Black screen with red neon "It began as a mistake"

The One Mistake That Could Have Cost Me My First Business

I’ve created many small businesses. Early on, I realized I didn’t want to work for someone else; I wanted freedom. When I was about 18,[…]

Cyberthreats are Everywhere and You Need to Get Ready

Whether you are a startup, a small business or a big corporation, you’ll have to deal with cyberthreats sooner or later. A few stats: But[…]

Why Your Passwords Are Easy to Crack and How to Fix It

I was recently talking with my parents, and I saw my dad take out his notebook to find some passwords. “It’s not the same ones[…]

A chess board, symbolizing the faced challenges

Democratizing Access to Tech Guidance With Substack

I’ve been working with startups for more than 20 years. During this time, I identified many recurring pain points: I’m using Substack to help startups face these[…]

My 5 Strategies for Remote Tech Team Success

Having remote tech team still seems to freak out CEOs and founders. We are so used to 9 to 5 and having meetings that we[…]

Many lines of complex code, on a screen

Think Obfuscated Code Will Save Your Job? Think Again!

A few years ago, I was talking about D.R.Y. and K.I.S.S. Not the band. The methodology. After the talk, I was taken aback by a young guy asking a[…]

Beyond the Paycheck: The Real Reasons Tech Talents Stay

Tech professionals are driven by more than just financial rewards. They seek purpose, trust, and autonomy. When these needs aren’t met, the paycheck won’t keep[…]

The Mad Skills That Set Startups Apart

We all know hard and soft skills. The combination of core, technical competencies, and interpersonal abilities and emotional intelligence. A great combo makes great team[…]

When (and How) to Hire Your First Tech Employee

Knowing when to hire your first technical tech employee is not an easy task. Let’s see the Whens and Hows to help you make the[…]

Boss vs Manager vs Leader: Which One Are You?

In the business world, the terms “boss,” “manager,” and “leader” are often used interchangeably. But these roles will impact team dynamics, productivity, and overall success[…]